2022 Fitness Kickstart Guide
Well, well, well, the brand new year has started!
If you're like most of us, this is the perfect time for a fitness kickstart or reboot.
Some of you are still on holidays delaying the back to work for as long as you can, so I’ll keep this brief. But I wanted to give you some guidance on how to make 2022 your fittest year ever.
Below are the five most important things to keep in mind as you prepare for the year ahead.
1) Identify the reasons WHY your health and fitness matters to you.
Before we discuss strategies and tactics, it’s important to start with a clear-eyed analysis of WHY your fitness matters to you.
We're all complicated. We do things for many reasons. Sometimes we’re moving towards something, and sometimes we’re moving away. Sometimes our motivations are intrinsic, and sometimes we’re chasing an external reward. While some forms of motivation do tend to be more sustainable than others, for this exercise, we’re not judging; we’re just being honest about where we’re at right now.
No matter what’s driving you to achieve your health and fitness goals, it can be a powerful activity to get some clarity. By making a list of all the reasons life is better with improving health and fitness, it's okay to "pump yourself up" to execute the plans below.
ACTION STEP: Make a list of all the reasons your life is improved by achieving your health and fitness goals and review it every morning for the four weeks.
2) Schedule grocery shopping and cooking time for the week, and if possible, month ahead.
Unless you’re living a fantasy life, most of us do at least some grocery shopping and cooking.
Based on your personal situation and preferences, there are ways to make this more efficient. Many supermarkets now have grocery delivery. And of course some recipes are less labour intensive. You’ll also have to decide how to balance spending time to freshly prepare food in the moment against the convenience of preparing in bulk.
But no matter how you slice it, you’ll need to put some time, energy, and money towards creating delicious meals you actually enjoy (see point 4).
ACTION STEP: Put appointments in your calendar for grocery shopping and meal cooking time for the week, and if possible, month ahead. ←- This is actually the piece that I see missed most often.
3) Schedule your workouts for the week, and if possible, month ahead.
At the risk of offering a second blindingly obvious tip, I point out where many a fitness dream is lost.
Not unlike eating, your exercise also requires time.
Like time management, the creation of a fitness plan is really just the first step. You also have to execute. That’s why morning workouts are the best logistical option for many people: it’s early enough in the day that you haven’t been dealt too many “surprises.”
But while execution matters, it’s secondary to having the plan in the first place. If you haven’t planned when you’re going to work out in the week ahead, it’s all too easy for your life to nudge it out.
ACTION STEP: Put appointments in your calendar for your weekly workouts, and if possible, for the month ahead.
4) Choose meals and physical activity you genuinely like.
Not excited about your current menu of healthy meal options? Commit to spending time researching and experimenting with new recipes that you like and are realistic to regularly prepare.
Not "pumped" about going to a big gym and “doin’ the machines?” Commit to spending time researching exercise (or movement) options that you enjoy and that work for your life.
Remember: this is hard to do for the long haul unless you’re actually enjoying what you’re eating and doing!
ACTION STEP: Do an audit of your current recipes and fitness options. If need be, research and source alternatives.
5) Get some accountability.
None of us get by in this life alone.
Some individuals are totally capable of setting their will and dominating their fitness behaviours all by their lonesome. But most of us do best with social support.
This can look like a lot of things.
It can be a workout buddy who helps you to turn up.
It can be a partner or roommate who wants to get on the healthy eating train.
It can be joining a gym that’s community-oriented.
And most powerfully, it can be an investment of time, energy, and money in working with a coach. This strategy can be very effective, because you’re combining social support, the guidance of an expert, AND you’ve got skin in the game.
The best way to apply this will depend on your lifestyle preferences and logistical needs.
But if you’re looking for some help on this front…
May I humbly suggest you check out the best Trainers in the Yarra Valley, each with the knowledge and enthusiasm of five Trainers!! :-)
Happy 2022, happy life!
PS Get some accountability with friendly experts by trying our absolutely no risk trial offers below: