‘Zeus’ the therapeutic dog spreads Christmas joy

Zeus the therapeutic dog has been extremely busy this year as he continues to help bring a smile to young people living in care.
Christmas time can be difficult for young people in care.
Though we do our best to make the season special for them it can be a reminder to them of the complications within their families and for some, their own sense of abandonment and isolation.
While families all over the world are sharing valuable time together, sometimes this just isn’t possible for all kids. The end of the year provides a time of routine changes at school and special occasions, including end of year concerts and graduation ceremonies. This time can be hard for kids in care, especially for those who have low self-esteem and no family members around to attend these occasions.
Recently, Zeus attended a school Christmas concert where three kids in care were preparing to sing carols with their class mates. One of the kids was not feeling so good about the experience and was sitting back from the class and refusing to participate.
Zeus had noticed her distress and quickly lowered himself down onto his belly, on all four paws and belly crawled through the chairs and other kids to land right beside her and pop his head on her knee. Her face “lit up” and she looked back with tears in her eyes – she was so happy to see Zeus.
Suddenly, every other child wiggled over wanting to pat Zeus.
The social cohesion a therapy dog gives to our kids in care is astounding.
All in a day’s work for our superstar Zeus!

Thank you to Fit Gym, Mt Evelyn for sponsoring Zeus.