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If you believe you can do it, you can!

I struggled to run 1km at the start of this year and now I'm running 8.56kms in 55mins,

When I first started at Fit Gym several years ago I used to rely on myself to get me through until the last couple of years when Britt contacted me. Believing in me and that she could get me further I tried the group sessions. I now have the motivation and determination and dedication to push myself further and keep setting myself more goals. With the help of my Trainers Britt and Sam I'm smashing out goals that I never thought would be possible! I struggled to run 1km at the start of this year and now I'm running 8.56kms in 55mins, thanks to Britt for coaching me through and helping me come up with a plan and believing in me that I am able to do whatever I want to do . Also I could barely hold a plank for 20 seconds a few weeks ago and one day Sam wanted to get me to 1 minute but instead she got me to an incredible 1 minute 54 seconds and squating with a 15kg plate!!! I couldn't do it without the support and encouragement you both give me!!! Thank you sooooo much I'll always be grateful for it!


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