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Oxfam Trailwalker & our inspirational woman!

Early Friday morning on the 10th April, after 15 weeks of training, Di and seven other awesome women from Fit Gym joined 2800 other walkers to take part in their first Oxfam 100km Trailwalker. An endurance event through the trails, mountains and bush tracks from Wesburn to Jells park,

Having raised $3979 for Oxfam, the only thing left to do was the walk. And walk they did. With lots of support along the way from family, friends and supporters all the girls pushed on through the day and night, over mountains, under fallen trees, along endless miles of tracks and trails, through blisters and muscle soreness, through fatigue and at times utter sleep deprived delirium.

With lots of laughter, great camaraderie, a few tears and more chocolate and lollies than anyone should eat, our two teams made it to the finish. Very tired, very emotional and very proud of what they had just accomplished.





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