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Guide to Immortality – with Lenny Kravitz

You might be surprised to know that Lenny Kravitz is 56. Even at this age he is the ultimate rock God! What this tells us is that building another world for your self if possible.

Early in March of 2020 when Covid-19 locked down many cities across the world, Kravitz left for his place in the island of Eleuthera with just a weekend bag, thinking that he can hang out there until things went back to normal – not expecting the cities will be on lockdown for months! His Facebook feed would be a picture of a man living sparsely by definitely not unhappy being alone…living on his weekend bag for 5 months!

Since the late 90’s he has been working with Miami-based trainer Dodd Romero who helped him achieve his slinky silhouette as well as the stamina he needed to perform 3-hour concerts while he was well into his 50s. His routine is very targeted – doing fasted cardio in the morning and cardio before bedtime so he is burning all night, and he does weights throughout the day. These days they still work out together through FaceTime and Kravitz added that they always have a goal in front of them.

During his lockdown in Eleuthera he had to improvise – running through trails on his property, doing a jungle workout by lifting hand weights on the coconut tree as his bench.

Fitness can be done anywhere you are, you just need to make do with what you have and not let your circumstances such as the lockdown affect your fitness goals.


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