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Use Winter to Build your Summer Body!

This is your time to start a new habit. Don't let the cold of Winter get the better of you.

It's harder to get outside to walk, ride or exercise generally. There's less daylight and often the rain or damp is annoying.

But if you can stay focused in Winter, your Summer body will arrive.

So to help you get there, here are some ways to get around the popular excuses:

Excuse: "It's too hard to get out of bed on cold, dark mornings."

Create heat. Adjust the thermostat timer to warm your home or bedroom before the alarm goes off.

Tune your alarm. Rather than a normal, annoying alarm clock, use your iPod or similar device to play specific songs that get you going.

Find a friend. Find someone who will commit to joining you in the morning for walks or workouts, and hold you accountable for showing up.

Excuse: "I may be out of bed but I still don't want to go outside."

Put your head under water. Rather than clinging to the comfort of your favourite dressing gown while shuffling to the kitchen for a coffee, make a beeline to the shower. The water will wake you.

Dress the part. The truth is there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing choices. Is it time to upgrade to proper winter performance gear?

Keep it simple, smarty (K.I.S.S.). The best way to overcome our excuses is to not create them in the first place. The more things that need to fall into place in order to get to the gym on time, the more likely we are to find a reason not to go.

Tap into technology. Proclaiming your intention to workout each day on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or online community (e.g. Nike+) can strengthen your commitment.

Excuse: "I can't find the same passion or fire to do it regularly."

See the big picture. Find, or make your own 12-week calendar from June to August. Put it on one page and post it somewhere you'll see it every day (bed

room wall or office desk) .

Use mini-goals for major rewards. Set small targets that lead to higher intensity, focus and discipline to stay on track each day.

Create your own challenge. Speak to friends and together devise a new and motivating challenge.

Remember what works for you. If you find yourself suitably motivated in the summer, what specifically created that motivation: Targets? Goals? Friends? Coach? Competition? The great outdoors? How can you tap into the driving force and the feeling it creates in the summer and replicate something similar now?

Embrace the Winter Weather!

As they say "Summer bodies are made in Winter", so don't use Winter as an excuse to drop the ball with your exercise. Happy training!

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